Sunday, May 11, 2008


I recently joined Pexlink Triple Love Project created by Mommy Ruby because I wanted to widen my range of connection and influence (LOL).. Well, actually, that is one of its aim. I've copied the requirements and goals of Pexlink for all those who may want to participate.

You need to have the following:

1. EntreCard Account
2. Technorati Account
3. RSS Readers Account (Bloglines, Google Reader, etc.)

This project aims to achieve the following.

1. To have a lot of technorati fans.
2. To have a lot of RSS subscribers. (if we can't visit all blogs, we can always check what's new in just one click if you use a rss reader)
3. To have regular EntreCard droppers.
4. To get your blog exposed to others (you might have great content – all it needs is a little push to be seen by the world).
5. To have more friends in the blogosphere!!!

So, what should a participant do?

1. Write a post about this project and how this project can show love to fellow bloggers.
2. After that, leave a comment here with your post permalink, technorati fave link, rss/feeds link, your blog’s name and link, EntreCard user details and email (for updates please). You can optionally grab the banner if you want.
3. Then of course, please don’t forget to do the following:

  • Fave 300 participants of this projects (more if you want)
  • Add the blogrolling script at your post (to the post about this contest)
  • Subscribe to their RSS/Feeds using bloglines – highly recommended (or any reader or email subscription if you want).
That would be it... Simple right? And oh, by the way, Mommy Ruby is also going to be giving away 50 EC credits to the first 150 participants of this project! Ain't that cool? That's 50 EC credits you can use to advertise your blog.. So guys, what are you waiting for? Come on and join now here! ;)


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